RECREATE extends the invite to all interested parties to attend the fifth edition of the Draf2024 conference, focusing on the Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials that will take place from 17th to 21st June 2024, amidst the captivating scenery of the Ischia Island, nestled in the Gulf of Naples, at the Hermitage Park Hotel Terme.
This is an international conference which sees the participation of Professors and Researchers from the most prestigious universities around the world (including the Polytechnics of Milan and Turin, the La Sapienza and Rome Tor Vergata Universities, the University of Cassino, Messina, Luigi Vanvitelli and obviously various Departments of the University of Naples, Bristol University, ISAE-SUPAERO University of Toulouse, Madrid Polytechnic, IMDEA, Oxford University, Rodhe Island University, Queen’s University of Belfast, Wichita State University , just to name a few) and Research Centers (CNR, CIRA, CRF, IMAST), as well as companies such as Leonardo, Hexagon, Exemplar, Instron, Olympus, Aerosoft, Avio, MBDA, OSN, Geven, Stellantis and others. Many also involved in the organization of sessions dedicated to or relating to the presentation of results of research projects.
The focus of this event will be the challenges of the business sector, as companies will present critical issues and needs at the aim of stimulate a useful discussion after the session in a sort of round table and thus starting research collaborations.
Furthermore, symposium will address current research topics related to composite materials and sandwich structures under loading conditions, their mechanical characterisation and manufacturing technologies. Strong emphasis is dedicated to aerospace, automotive and naval applications.
For more information about the event visit: www.drafconference.com